
“What do you want to be when you leave school?”

This was the question I was asked by my career’s advisor during my GCSEs. I answered with silence. I knew what I wanted to DO – continue my education into A-levels and University. But no-one had ever asked me what I wanted to be. What JOB, sure, but a state of being?

I can now answer: I choose to be happy.

I achieve my happiness with many things, which you can explore in more detail through the menu above.

Primarily, I am an Environmental Consultant, as my degree is Environmental Science. It is a dream to be a Doctor of Environment, so I can make the world a better place like Doctor Who.

I am also a photographer, my next highest qualification, as I find everything fascinating and wish to capture it in the moment I find it to share it with others visually.

Beyond the qualifications, I love telling people stories. I achieve this with my travel blogging, my photo-poetry, and my fiction writing. My writing is described as sapio-sensual. Whether fiction or faction, I bring stories to life.

I celebrate diversity, including sexuality. I feel like a very special snowflake as an aromantic asexual.

I am willing to experience anything once, as it’s here in this lifetime for me to do.

I believe in supporting people to achieve their dreams, especially those who have health conditions and disabilities, or face discrimination for their gender or heritage.

How can I help you?

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